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About Us
Our team is ready to run your next pre-clinical study
NeoSome owns and operates a 30,000 sq. ft. Laboratory facility in Billerica, Massachusetts
We follow all regulatory guidelines and conform to established NIH animal research guidelines. All animal research is reviewed by the NeoSome IACUC committee. Our vivarium director, veterinarian, and staff provide excellent veterinary care and have over 100 years of cumulative experience in research.
Our facilities include a dedicated BSL-2 suite for proper pathogen containment as well as clean rooms for oncology research. The facilities include a specialized surgical room with the proper equipment for conducting aseptic surgery on rodents.

Research Focused
Our dedicated and friendly staff is science-driven and adept at developing new animal models. At NeoSome we are constantly looking to expand into new therapeutic areas.

Preclinical Studies
We understand that gathering the right information through pharmacology assessments can streamline evaluations and drive down costs (efficacy, formulation, and scalability in different species).

Rodent Models
NeoSome has developed and validated numerous animal models for disease research and our list continues to grow. We can provide a turn-key solution or customize any of our model systems to support your research program.

NeoSome is accredited by AAALAC International and maintains both OLAW assurance and USDA certification along with all local regulations.